I recently attended the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) national conference and it has me thinking about how supporting Assistive Technology in colleges and universities is diverging into two separate and distinct competencies. On the one hand, is the technical support aspect to AT, and on the other there is an emerging end-user support competency. The reason the IDA conference got me thinking about this is the way they discussed students utilizing AT. There was very little “technical” talk of keystrokes, networking problems, roaming profiles etc at the presentations. There
was talk about assessing students, selecting appropriate tools and strategies, evaluating outcomes etc. While technology is an important tool to these professionals, the focus remained on the student.
The technical support competency essentially makes sure that the computers work and the AT is functioning as it should. The newer emerging end-user competency ensures that the user is getting the maximum benefit of the technology and in the world of AT this is a critical piece of support. These competencies are not unique to AT, but it is the AT aspect that is the subject of this brief article.
The Technical Support CompetencyThe AT tech-support competencies includes basic skill sets such as: understanding computer security, networking protocols, configuring and maintaining of desktop computers and basic web interactions. Additionally, the AT tech-support provider needs to understand resolving software conflicts, innovative uses of system level devices and their special application to AT. They also need a basic understanding of the alternative methods students with disabilities use when computing.
But in the end, the AT technical support competency is about providing a smooth-running, efficient and trouble-free computer. It has little to do with the end-user.
The End-user Support CompetencyThe end-user support competencies are skills related to the successful use of the recommended applications. Training computer users has grown into its own area of expertise. It is an even more critical task when the computer users have disabilities. While training students with physical disabilities requires special skills, it is students with learning disabilities that I want to focus on here.
Students with learning disabilities, obviously, may require alternative learning methods and learning to use the computer is no exception. An AT provider expected to get students with learning disabilities fluent with computers, must have some expertise in this specialized training area. And remember, we are not (necessarily) talking about using word processors or spreadsheets, but specialized programs to help the student compensate for a reading or other cognitive deficit.
Most AT support staff will probably tell you that their job is a blend of these two skill sets. I have been doing this for over fifteen years and that is what I would say. The depth of knowledge in each skill set is increasing to the point that it is becoming difficult for one person to do both well. In my own case, a few years back I began shifting basic tech-support to a systems group and I received formal and informal training in teaching technology integration to students.
How This May Affect Your StaffingIf you have an AT specialist on staff, then establish whether their strengths are technical support or end-user support. If your employee has good technical skills, then you might consider enhancing your end-user support. Most colleges have a department supporting academically struggling students and they can make a great partner in this endeavor. Their specialty is the student. They may even find some of your technology of interest for the students that they are serving.
If your AT specialist leans toward end-user support (this can be the case when a college hires a former student with a disability to work in the AT lab), then you might want to strengthen basic technical support. You usually find such support from your college IT department. Support can also be available from a smaller group, sometimes referred to as “systems support.” For example, such a group might manage computers in the library.
If you have no AT specialist, but are contemplating hiring one, then decide which competency set you need most and let that direct your job description. The important thing is that, in the very near future, blending these skill sets into one job may not be in the best interest of your students.
The Take Away
Know that there are two emerging and separate skill sets necessary to deliver high quality AT support in colleges and universities. By virtue of history, the technical side is more established, but now many experts recognize the importance of specialized support for maximizing the end-user’s benefit of the technology.
The technical set-up and maintenance of academic computing facilities is increasingly being taken over by various systems groups on college campuses. This frees DS to hire a technologist who’s expertise and training focuses on end-user success. And this is extremely important in promoting the academic success of students with learning disabilities.